svrjs's mods
SvelteKit integration
SvelteKit integration is a mod, that enables SVR.JS to serve SvelteKit applications.
Publisher: svrjs
OrangeCircle is a SCGI (Simple Common Gateway Interface) client.
Publisher: svrjs
forward-proxy-mod is a mod, that enables SVR.JS to do forward proxy functionality.
Publisher: svrjs
reverse-proxy-mod is a mod, that enables SVR.JS to do reverse proxy functionality.
Publisher: svrjs
GratisNext.js integration
Next.js integration is a mod, that enables SVR.JS to serve Next.js applications.
Publisher: svrjs
Gratiseasy-waf integration
easy-waf integration is a WAF (web application firewall) mod.
Publisher: svrjs
GratisSVR.JS Cache mod
SVR.JS Cache mod is a simple in-memory cache mod for SVR.JS that works with “Cache-Control” and “Vary” headers. The cache is a per-worker cache.
Publisher: svrjs
GreenRhombus is a FastCGI (Fast Common Gateway Interface) client.
This mod also works with PHP (more specifically, PHP-FPM).
Publisher: svrjs